Real Flower Power!

Since 2008, the Sengerema Foundation offers underprivileged Tanzanian young people the opportunity to further develop themselves. The foundation gives them training and the opportunity for microcredit if they have a good plan for their own business. Madiba Flower Power makes a financial contribution to the Sengerema Foundation. Are you curious about what we have already been able to achieve with this financial support? Read the story below from the foundation itself.

The Big dream
Hussein Hamza (22 years old) is a student of the YEP Program of the Sengerema Foundation in Arusha in 2020. He just finished high school, but had already decided to become an entrepreneur, like his father, and did not want to continue studying. His father owns a grocery store. Hussein is the eldest son of a family of 5 children. He still lives at home with his parents. When we first met him, he kept about 120 chickens with his parents around the house and sold the eggs. He told us his big dream; to own a piece of land with space for about 5000 chickens.

A hard worker!
He followed the YEP program from May to October 2021 and received lessons in accounting, financial management, marketing, negotiation, contracts, and dealing with customers. And especially for him, the so-called empowerment classes were perhaps even more important; Hussein was a shy and introverted boy who found it difficult to make contact. In the empowerment classes, he learned more about himself, problem solving, behavior change, and time management. In November 2021, we discussed the next steps for his company with him. He indicated that he was interested in a loan, to be able to expand his company step by step.

A man with a vision
We linked him to the cooperative bank of the local Chamber of Commerce, the TCCIA SACCOS. In Arusha we work together with the Chamber of Commerce. He received a loan of 2 million Tsh (converted EUR 800). With this loan and the savings he had from his company, he bought a Tuk Tuk and started as a taxi. His idea behind this was to save money in this way for his future dream. He received the loan in March 2021, and in November of that year was able to purchase a second Tuk Tuk, which someone hires from him and pays him a fixed amount every day. In this way, he hopes to have saved enough money next year to realize his dream: his own piece of land on which he can build a house and a chicken farm.

A promising future
We regularly visit Hussein to see how things are going, and if he needs any advice or other help. Last time we asked him what he learned through the YEP program. He indicated that the loan, but also the lessons about entrepreneurship, connections and time management have helped him. But in particular, he has gained more self-confidence through the YEP program. We also see the impact it had on him: from a shy boy who stared at the floor during a conversation, to a confident and proud young man. With the proceeds from his TukTuk business, he can help his parents pay the school fees of his younger brothers and sisters. In addition, he provides employment and income for the person who mans his second Tuk Tuk.

Follow the activities of the Sengerema Foundation via Facebook at @stichtingsengerema and via our website